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Monday, 26 May 2008

Ponystep Party

a website that talks about whats happening in london in all areas from fashion to music to arts. I missed the launch party sadly but now they are holding a party every last sunday of the month where bombox used to be and thankfully it felt kind of the same like boombox one of the best clubs i have ever been to where you free to express yourself in any shape or form.


Picture from

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Class OF 2008

Personally i thought the BBC had lost it for the teens & Tweens espcially with Channel fours T4 being the younger more edgier on the beat of whats happening in contemporary britian in music and culture. But BBC switch is quite kool iam loving it with kelly osbourne, nick grimshaw and most importantly CLASS OF 2008 with young kids just doing what the do trying to make a living. Kesh, Daisy Lowe, Flash and Will have to be my favourites. It just simply shows the struggles of kids that are trying to do big things other then deal drugs, muggings and stabbings.

Friday, 9 May 2008


An overly fierce Gareth Pugh shoot by Dazed & Confused Japan styled by Katie Shillingford. This shoot is a perfect example of when the perfect chemistry between stylist,clothes model and photographer is met

Tuesday, 6 May 2008


Jourdan Dunn simply beautiful

Friday, 2 May 2008

Aggyness Deyn the'Icons' 'Face of Britian' 'New Kate Moss' Bla bla bla ...her 2nd cover for British Vogue

Uniqlo Gallery Launch

All pictures by Alistar Allan from